Thomas is a cheeky, fussy little engine. He’s proud to run his very own branch line, alongside being the yard pilot at the Big Station. Thomas enjoys doing things the bigger engines ought to be doing, which can often get him into all kinds of trouble. Thomas is driven by a natural curiosity and desire to do and explore, ready to take on any kind of passenger or freight run needed. He can enjoy a good tease or two, but he’s there when the going gets tough. He’s a mischief maker, a best friend, an adventurer…he’s the engine we adore!

Annie and Clarabel, Thomas' faithful coaches, were given to Thomas as a reward for proving himself to be a Really Useful Engine. They are much loved, but have both seen better days. Annie and Clarabel are respectful of all the engines, and are Thomas’ biggest supporters (but also quick to rebuke him when he gets troublesome). They love to chat about the latest going-ons about the railway, as Annie takes passengers, while Clarabel additionally takes luggage and the conductor.

Henry is a big, green engine…one of THE biggest on the railway, in fact! He pulls heavy freight and passenger trains, as well as The Flying Kipper, across the mainline to faraway places on the other railway. He’s a rather grand engine who loves to work hard, as well as good manners and respect for what he does. Despite his size, he is a little emotionally fragile when something challenges him…if he’s out of service, he just wants to go back to his favorite job. He much prefers calm days and whistling a breezy “good morning!” to everyone.

Bruno is the engines’ favorite brake van. He’s a joyful young wagon who keeps the heavier trains steady with his sturdy brakes. Seeing everything from the back gives Bruno a unique look on life, and relaxes on his journeys when all is in order. He loves details, schedules, and routine, with an encyclopedic knowledge of all the island’s railway lines. He can get stressed when things aren’t on routine and is very sensitive to louder noises than he’s used to. But this brake car will always be the handiest if an engine is in need, and he loves his friends as he loves his puns.

Devon is a stylishly tuxedo-painted freight diesel. He’s proud of his dashing livery and being strong enough to pull on heavy goods along the mainline. He’s fairly fast too, meaning he sometimes gets to haul passenger trains if the time calls for it…a fact that can fire up his friendly rivalry with Otis! Devon is always “at the service” of whoever is needed and tends to stick to mainline work. He dreads having to ever have to head to quarries or other secluded spaces…lots of dust for his paintwork, which is a jolly bad show for his other customers!

Roger is a bright yellow-painted diesel owned by the Lionel Construction Company. He’s notorious for being one of the slowest engines on the line, but he makes up for it with his immense strength…and with his work requiring him to haul cranes and girders, he needs it! Roger is a to-the-point diesel when it comes to work. Just give him a job to do, and he’ll get right on it without hesitation! He secretly wishes he could pull passenger trains someday, but he knows he’s the best the construction company’s got.

Chuck is the Lionel Construction Company’s dependable railroad crane. He’s a rough-and-tumble machine, ready for a good build or demolition whenever the time calls for it! With an arsenal of ropes and cables for his hook, off he gets! Chuck is ready for a challenge anyday anytime. No train, coach, or car is too heavy for this old workhorse! As such, he’s often the most relied on when it comes to the big jobs around the railway. He’s always up to listen to whenever the engines have a problem…especially if he needs a ride back to the yard!


Porter is the harbor’s shunting engine, recently put in charge while Salty (the dockyard diesel) is away on other jobs. He’s very strong, supportive, and easy-going, but lacks the speed many of the other engines have. He can also be a bit of a perfectionist at times: everything’s got to be in their proper track and he’s got to know what’s supposed to go where! But Porter’s a good hard worker, the honest helper who’s ready to lend a hand. While he lives at the docks, sometimes he goes to deliver to Edward’s Station when no one else can.

Cranky is the harbour’s biggest crane, and just about the unhappiest you’ll ever meet. He’s got a high and mighty attitude that gets on some of the engines’ nerves, a bitter attitude from the little sleep he gets from work, and a cynical attitude contrasting the engines’ teasing-yet-friendly attitudes. Cranky takes his position as the main dock’s lead crane with pride, and is quite good at loading and unloading trains, trucks, and ships when deliveries come in, and can get along with some engines that’ve become the rare friend.

Recently added to the Old Crane Dock near the Airport, Carly is a lively yellow gantry crane. She isn’t as big as Cranky, but she works just as hard and fast as him! Being a gantry crane on her own special track allows her to zip up and down her dock, making her hard to keep up with if she’s holding conversation while loading…which she loves to have lots of! She keeps level headed, but can be a little immature and silly when she least plans to. But Carly takes being in charge of the dock with pride, especially with all the new people she gets to meet.

Bulstrode is a slow-going old barge. He delivers smaller loads of freight to upriver docks and piers on the Mainland, such as building materials, fresh lumber, or engine parts. He’s a bit rough around the edges, and a lot slower than some engines like. But Bulstrode’s an old soul who enjoys doing things at his own pace…which is rather slow.


Victor is the respected narrow gauge engine in charge of The Works. This manager engine is a real runner, hurrying around the works to check in on his engines and rolling stock, finding parts for mending, as well as making the odd delivery out on the Narrow Gauge line. Victor’s got a big sense of humour and an even bigger heart of gold, with a soft spot for cheeky Thomas. Victor doesn’t suffer fools easily, especially show-offs and bullies!


Sir Topham Hatt is the controller of the Sodor Railways, and the man in charge of making sure everything is running right on time. He’s very firm and precise, but also kind and fair with his engines with no favorites of his engine family. He’s just as ready to scold engines who’ve caused trouble as he is to reward engines who’ve gone to help those in need. He sometimes doesn’t know the best way of going about things, and he’s just as willing to accept his own faults as he is his engines’. He’s greatly respected by the engines and crews, no doubt about that.


A Production of Isenor Family Entertainment and MilanToon Productions

Distributed by The MilanToon Channel